The Process Of Pickling Music: The Paisley Pickles
Since 2009, the Paisley Pickles have added zip, zest and zaniness to kids’ music through high-energy, interactive concerts. Passionate about creating catchy music with important messages, this trio of dads has developed a memorable pickle panache that appeals to audiences of all ages.
Pickle Paul (guitar and vocals), Pickle Frank (bass and vocals), and Pickle Mark (drums and vocals) each come from different musical backgrounds with varied but overlapping influences including punk, jazz, rock and roll, country, folk, and rockabilly. With twelve kids among them, these dads are committed to addressing relevant kid themes through creative lyrics and engaging grooves.
The Paisley Pickles are not just a musical condiment – they fill your plate with the essential ingredients of a fun and meaningful experience. The trio covers various topics such as healthy eating, good manners, and environmental awareness, but just as many songs are written about the everyday nuances of childhood experience that everyone can relate to.
As a live act, the Pickles promise a delicious Pickle soup of unique songwriting, charismatic stage shows, and a memorable experience for the entire family. From performances ranging from indoor theaters to outdoor festivals, from Pickle Palooza on the Ocean City boardwalk to the prestigious Kimmel Performing Arts Center in Philadelphia, the band delights viewers of all ages. They also conduct Paisley Pickles songwriting workshops for schools, groups, and troops where children explore their creativity by developing song themes and writing lyrics alongside the band. Known for giving back, the Pickles perform various works of charity across the Philadelphia region including WXPN’s Musician’s On-Call program – going room to room to play music to young patients at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and other area hospitals.
Always innovating, the prolific Pickles have recorded six original music CD’s: “Pickleheads” 2009, “Picklehead Platter” 2010, “Superheroes” 2012, “Welcome to the Planet Snarfbart” 2013, “Pickle Puffs” 2015, and Pickle Circus" CD 2017. They also wrote and produced their own feature video program, “The Paisley Pickles Show.” The pilot aired on MINDTV in March of 2011 and continues to be rerun on a regular basis.
Looking at the vast spectrum of children’s artists and performers in today’s world, The Paisley Pickles surely stand out as something special. These three humble characters have the unique ability to tap into that special part of the human soul reserved just for music that everyone longs to unleash. They realize that sharing this experience between family and friends is a great way to feel good about yourself and the world around you.